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Protect Your Items When They Are Moved Into Storage

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If you are going to be storing your belongings in a storage unit then you want to be extremely careful with your appliances and fragile items. When it comes to moving and storing household items, these things tend to be the ones that usually endure the most damage. The advice here will help you to pack up your storage unit in a way that helps keep your belongings in good condition both while you move them and while they are stored.

Secure your appliances

Before you move your appliances, you should tape the electrical cords to the side of them. This will keep them from becoming a tripping hazard and prevent them from accidentally getting tugged on and causing damage. You also want to remove any glass shelves, wrap them in bubble wrap and secure them to the inside of the appliance with tape. Remove any knobs and handles, put them in plastic bags and tape them inside the appliances so they don't get caught on other items and damaged when being moved.

It's also important to move most appliances in the straight-up-and-down position. For most, it will lead to damage to move them on their side. If possible, secure your appliances on a dolly, move them with it and try to pack them with the dolly still under them. This will decrease the amount of rocking and moving around they endure. If you don't have enough dollies, then you should at least try to do this with your refrigerator.

When putting your refrigerator in storage, you should put a rag in both the refrigerator and freezer doors. Then, secure them in place by taping the doors since they won't be able to close all the way. This allows air to travel through the compartments and prevents them from getting a bad smell while they are stored.

Protect your pictures and mirrors

A great way for you to pack your pictures and mirrors is to wrap each of them separately in bubble wrap. However, take a picture of each of them first with a Polaroid camera, or use a regular camera and print out pictures of each. Tape the pictures on the outside of the packaging so it's obvious what's inside. This lets everyone see how fragile that item is and makes it easier for you to locate exactly what you are looking for.

Protect your fragile glassware

Wrapping your fragile glassware in towels and sheets is a good way for you to protect them and it helps you cut down on boxes needed to pack linens. You may also want to pack those items in plastic storage bins that can be seen through. Sometimes people can get into moving items so fast they ignore the huge "fragile" on the side of the box, but when they can see the items are breakable they will be careful.

Now that you have a better idea of some ways you can protect your things, there will be less chances of them getting damaged during the moving process or while they are being stored.
